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Discover Your Colour

What does colour mean to you?

The colours that surround us have a huge impact in our everyday lives.


The Susan Forde Collection is based on fifteen years of colour theory knowledge by Susan Forde. The theory is based on uncovering an individual’s life path through colours and then leveraging that insight to empower, and give strength to the person, with colour guiding the way.


Unlock your style potential with Susan Forde

- Discover your unique colour palette

- Enhance personal branding and style

- Deepen self-connection and align with true purpose


Your life path number reveals your talents through ancient chakras and numerology. When you surround yourself with your life path colours, you are aligning yourself with your unique powers and are attracting the energy you desire.

colour consult

Red is for originals. They are independent and courageous, creative achievers and strong individuals.


Red suits the self-sufficient, and will take them down the road of independence. It is especially suited to those who embody leadership.


It inspires strength, courage and determination - and will serve the wearer well, empowering success.


Red empowers forward thinking and strength.

Susan Forde Jewellery - Red jewellery
Susan Forde Jewellery - red products
Susan Forde Jewellery - Orange products



Orange suits the incredibly insightful and sensitive. They love cooking and sharing food.


Orange encourages a path of diplomacy and being able to bring balance and harmony to everything. Along this road, the challenge is in balancing your sensitivity.
Harness this gift to build co-operation and connection, teach compromise, develop patience and peace.


Wearers of orange have the ability to relate to others and a life’s mission to connect people and bring them together. They find success in areas where they are able to mediate, take care of details and negotiate. Diplomacy and unique awareness and attention to detail will result in many accomplishments throughout life.

Susan Forde Jewellery - Orange jewellery



Those drawn to the yellow life path are filled with the gifts of creativity and imagination.

This may manifest in artistic talents and shows in a good nature that has the ability to inspire others.

Yellow brings joy, optimism and enthusiasm to life, empowering the wearer to express these emotions in their communication and actions. A sense of humour and the ability to enjoy the lighter sides of life will help others find joy in most situations.

Passion for continuous learning and feeding a naturally analytical mind will help bring success to any pathway and encourage others.

Susan Forde Jewellery - yellow products
Susan Forde Jewellery - BLACK Yellow diamond pendant
Susan Forde Jewellery - Green products

The wearers of green are lovers of nature and practicality.
They are stable and dependable. Green inspires determination that brings a sense of steadiness and calm to others.

It conveys reliability, and the combination of these things result in the ability to action ideas and get results.

Green is for go. A sense of security and dependability is paramount. Others may look to them as a manager and someone who is relied on to ensure that things fall into place.

Green helps bring success in pathways that allow implementation of organisational and management skills, while being grounded in nature and the outdoors.

Susan Forde Jewellery - green jewellery

Blue represents true communication. Lovers of blue sometimes find it hard to express true feelings because an innate sense of caring means they choose not to hurt others.

Blues care deeply about all forms of communication for
all parties. They pride themselves in making sure all parties feel heard.

The right music and sound is important to them.
The path will take lovers of blue in many directions - but they welcome change and the choices each path might bring.

Susan Forde Jewellery - blue jewellery
Susan Forde Jewellery - Blue products
Susan Forde Jewellery - Indigo products

 Indigo blue is for the romantic at heart, and the lover of peace. For deep thinkers who are loyal, lovers of justice and draw strength from the ocean, the stars and the moon.

They are perceptive and have a kind of sixth sense.

They are considerate, compassionate and love runs through all they do.
Indigo symbolises harmony and nurturing. It suits the pathway of a counsellor, teacher or trainer.

Susan Forde Jewellery - indigo jewellery

Violet is for the intelligent, lovers of philosophy and the
truly imaginative.

Lovers of violet have a wonderful gift of being able to synthesise all situations, pull out the positive attributes and come up with a totally new starting point. They look deeper than face value, and may find themselves on a path that will lead them to analyse, learn about and test everything.

Violet is the colour of opulence, fine art, antiques and design, if you are influenced by this colour, you have a strong need to express these desires.

With an eye for beauty, you love to surround yourself with exquisite belongings but see beauty is not merely skin-deep.

Susan Forde Jewellery -  violet products
Susan Forde Jewellery -  Violet jewellery
Susan Forde Jewellery - Pink jewellery

Pink suits the natural adminIstrator or organiser.
Intuition gives way to a gift of being able to make any project or business a success.

Lovers of pink have an eye for the big picture, and this vision makes them an excellent administrator.
Naturally caring and considerate of others, and confident of being a good support.

Success will follow in spaces where decision-making is valued.

Susan Forde Jewellery - pink jewellery

White and gold suit the humanitarian and those who have deep concern about the state of the world. For the idealist and the dreamer: their compassion draws them to be concerned with healing. These colours encourage knowledge driven by the need to understand the interconnectedness of everything. They suit those drawn to healing through writing, music, art or teaching.

They act for the benefit of others and as someone who is drawn to education and may look for solutions from the creative or intuitive worlds.

The challenge is to learn the art of self nurturing, in order to balance the needs and ambitions of others.

Susan Forde Jewellery - gold and white jewellery
Susan Forde Jewellery - Gold and white products
Susan Forde Jewellery - Black products

Black is associated with strength, authority, and power.
Black lends an air of authority and intelligence to those who wear it. It symbolises prestige, formality, and importance.

Wearing black gemstone jewellery reminds one to step up in their authority. To invite neutrality during difficult conversations and situations. To tap into elegance, sophistication, and mystery.

Susan Forde Jewellery - black jewellery
Susan Forde Jewellery - pin

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Adorn yourself in colour...

Susan is passionate about empowering woman.

Are you curious about finding your colour?

By combining design with colour therapy, Susan offers a colour discovery service. 


Book a full colour reading with Susan Forde to find your birthstone, the gemstones around your birthstone, secondary colours and meanings to shape the world around you.

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